Warm, friendly, expressive…

Connie is the voice actor you want for your voiceover needs. Connie delivers mile high quality products, on time, for a reasonable price. Listen to her demos, see her testimonials, then contact her for your next voiceover need.


“She’s the all-star voice talent you’re looking for.” – Jessica Magers, voiceover actress

“a bright, warm voice that is very friendly and expressive.” – Wendy Shapero, film, theater, voice, and TV actress

“What a great package you’ve assembled – I am very impressed!” – Guy Arledge, voiceover actor


About Connie

During the 16 years Connie worked for a large medical practice, she answered over 1,000,000 phone calls. Some days she would answer over 1,000, with the last calls answered in the same sweet voice as the first. Answering that many calls let her talk to all kinds of people. Doctors, patients, nurses, lawyers, gardeners, DJs, office workers, truck drivers, and every other type got to know her voice. Office managers would call her on speaker phone just to have their workers hear how she answered the phone. They knew she would not disappoint.

People who make their living with their voices started telling her she should do more. DJs said she should go into radio. Voiceover talents said she should go into voiceover. She finally took their advice and studied under Jessica Magers, a well known veteran voice talent, and several others.

Today, Connie can be found in her own professionally equipped studio at home, or in other studios, as the need arises. She delivers superior products for competitive prices with a quick turnaround.


Contact Connie

Connie Webber, Voice Actress

